Basic Seminars

To give you an idea of how trainings could be structured and how long they take, we’ve been listing some often used examples


Vacuum technology for non-technicians and newbies

Target audience: Purchaser, Project Managers, Admins, Apprentices;…
Duration: 1 Day

•    Market review of vacuum pumps, gauges, and components
•    Application areas and processes
•    Specifications and bidding
•    Selection criteria
•    Price vs. Cost of Ownership


Workshop for Operators

Target audience: Operators of vacuum systems
Duration: depending on contents 1-2 days

•    A practical view into physical foundations
•    Your vacuum pump and components in detail
•    Measuring vacuum pressure
•    The process steps of your system and possible faults
•    Common policies to work with vacuum systems (being clean the right way)
•    Recognize, prevent and eliminate failures the easy way
•    Performing small maintenance jobs


Fundamentals of Vacuum Technologies

Target Audience: Service Technicians, Commissioning Engineers, Auditor, Shift Leader, Operator
and all who need a comprehensive knowledge of the vacuum technology
Duration: 2 days

•    A deeper knowledge into physical principles (pressure, force, gas density, desorption…)
•    Creating vacuum and the most common pump principles
•    Sealing systems and materials
•    Common practices when working with vacuum systems (being clean the right way)
•    Measure pressures and calibration of gauges
•    Maintenance of vacuum systems
•    Vacuum schematics
•    Introduction into leak detection and faults



Trouble-Shooting - Helium leak detection in components and modules

Target audience: Newcomer, Auditors, Service Technicians…
Duration: 2 days

•    A practical view about physical foundations
•    Creating vacuum
•    Pressure gauges
•    Design and use of helium leak detectors
•    Verification procedures and how are they used
•    Practical exercise at components and simple modules



VTS - Tobias Albert
Bergstraße 3
63825 Blankenbach