Individual and specifically customized seminars for various topics within the vacuum technology are the core of my portfolio. The technical questions or issues of the individual participants and their individual components and needs will be the basis of how I will schedule the contents of the seminar.
Unlike many other Training companies, VTS is truly offering manufacturer independent seminars. It is not my goal to advertise or help to sell specific vacuum pumps, components or services.
I strive to balance the importance, but often disliked physical and theoretical background, with lots of practical experiments. By using models, visualizations and components, the participants will receive “hands-on” experience. VTS enables reasonable and friendly learning environment. Through experience, it is best to do these Seminars/Trainings in-house or at your customers site to enhance the learning results. The theoretical part can be done within a meeting or training room. Practical exercise and questions about the newly acquired knowledge can be ideally done on your equipment and in your own laboratory, service center or production area. In most cases, best results are achieved when training is done in this manner. On request, VTS also provides this type of seminars in hotel conference rooms.
Starting with a minimum of four participants or more, VTS can arrange for your team a specifically customized seminar. Individual students can be incorporated with other suitable companies or customers upon request.
Just get in touch with us.